Hi! I am Holly, and here at my Blog I hope that you are encouraged and motivated to love your life fully. I hope to share messages of hope with you through my honesty. My mission is to build up women by inspiring them to be better through sharing life and learning together!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mia' Life So Far, 1 month, 2 month 3 month

Just about a year ago I found out that I was pregnant with our first baby! Well she has arrived and has been an awesome three months. Mia has a very loving personality and enjoys smiling often. She started out not really showing any facial expressions and is so close to laughing out loud. She is blond hair and blue eyes, and well she looks like her DADDY. However, I do see a little bit of her in me, and maybe it will be more in the future! Mia is on a pretty predictable routine and is actually sleeping through the night. This means that Reed and I are spending much more time together and even had date nights. I actually had a girl’s weekend and am loving being able to get out and about again. Mia loves the summer; we have play dates, go to the pool, and of course go to Target a lot!!! We love our area and are meeting some really great people. This summer we are excited to get Mia in the pool and take her the beach. Reed and I also are having our five year Anniversary this summer, it is a big one. We are really excited and love being together. More to come as our summer progresses’…

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